Round-Up: Going to St. Gallen and out of focus

Maurice Separator May 21, 2017
It has become quiet about one of the most praised talents of Bayern Munich – Gianluca Gaudino. The 20-year-old has [...]

Bayern Women move into Champions League spot against Potsdam

Jolle Separator May 19, 2017
It didn’t really seem likely that Bayern would smash Potsdam 0-4. In an away game. Potsdam is really good. After [...]

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Stats&Links: Ancelotti’s small squad

Maurice Separator May 16, 2017
Prior to the current season, Carlo Ancelotti firmly expressed his wish for a small squad. While the Italian had the [...]

Philipp Lahm: A legend says good-bye!

Justin Separator May 15, 2017
Philipp Lahm was repeatedly mocked by many for his a bit too professional and calculated style in front of the [...]

3 Things We Noticed: RB Leipzig – FC Bayern 4-5 (2-1)

Christopher Separator May 15, 2017
FC Bayern wins the last away game of the season. The German champion defeated the runner-up from Leipzig, with Arjen [...]

The case of Holger

Felix Separator May 14, 2017
Holger Badstuber is set to leave FC Bayern Munich. A message which wasn’t surprising, but for the majority of the [...]

Project Bayern-21

Maurice Separator May 11, 2017
“Youngsters are being wasted on Bayern’s bench”, “Youngsters can only fail in Munich” and “If you go to FCB as [...]

License to make mistakes

Justin Separator May 10, 2017
Prior to the season seemingly everyone was on the hype-train. The exact transfer fee, which was paid for Renato Sanches, [...]