Three things we noticed: SC Freiburg – Bayern 0-4 (0-2)

Christopher Separator March 5, 2018
Late on Sunday evening, the Munich team returned to the road to success with a 4-0 away win. With a [...]

Preview: SC Freiburg – FC Bayern

Justin Separator March 3, 2018
On Sunday, FC Bayern will be playing in Breisgau. Traditionally, games in Freiburg are a difficult affair for the record [...]

Stats & Links: Shadow strikers over time

Maurice Separator February 28, 2018
The January transfer of Sandro Wagner from Hoffenheim to FC Bayern ended a period of almost three years in which [...]

Are FC Bayern Champions League Contenders?

Marc Separator February 25, 2018
As the season creeps towards its climax, both the Champions League picture and Bayern’s capabilities should be getting clearer. A [...]

3 Things We Noticed: FC Bayern – Hertha BSC 0-0

Maurice Separator February 24, 2018
Hertha BSC have ended Munich’s win streak. They’ve gained a point against a mostly uncreative Bayern side with a compact [...]

3 Things We Noticed: FC Bayern – Besiktas 5:0 (1:0)

Tobi Separator February 20, 2018
A red card, a forced change, a big win. Despite some early struggles, Bayern managed to beat Besiktas with a [...]

Preview: FC Bayern – Besiktas Istanbul

Justin Separator February 18, 2018
The foreplay is over, the Champions League is now really starting. On Tuesday evening, Besiktas Istanbul will come to Munich [...]

3 Things We Noticed: VfL Wolfsburg – FC Bayern 1-2 (1-0)

Maurice Separator February 18, 2018
With a last minute win in Wolfsburg, Bayern has managed to hold its own in the final rehearsal for the [...]