3 Things We Noticed: Borussia Mönchengladbach – FC Bayern 0-1 (0-0)

Christopher Separator March 19, 2017
Ahead of the international break, Bayern played Borussia Mönchengladbach away from home – unlike many other times before, however, this [...]

3 Things We Noticed: 1. FC Köln – FC Bayern München 0:3 (0:1)

Justin Separator March 4, 2017
A focused performance, a convincing victory. Bayern beat Köln thanks to a very strong midfield pairing, confirming the positive trend [...]

Analysis: FC Bayern München – Hamburger SV 8:0 (3:0)

Steffen Separator February 25, 2017
Same procedure as every year. Bayern slaughter Hamburg and gain some valuable confidence along the way. Two attackers proved their [...]

Analysis: FC Ingolstadt – FC Bayern 0:2 (0:0)

Christopher Separator February 11, 2017
Weak performance, late goals, three points. Bayern increase their league lead despite playing yet another underwhelming match. A pattern has [...]

Preview: FC Bayern – VfL Wolfsburg

Justin Separator February 7, 2017
The decisive phase of the season is starting, and yet Bayern still aren’t quite in perfect shape. Against Schalke it [...]

FC Bayern’s “Magnificent Eleven” since 2000

Maurice Separator January 11, 2017
Throughout the years, numerous high-profile players have either been signed by Bayern or promoted from their youth program. In the [...]

The Alternative Awards 2016

Tobi Separator January 2, 2017
An eventful Bayern year is drawing to its close, and we look back on the best goals, biggest moments, and [...]

3 Things We Noticed: SV Darmstadt 98 – FC Bayern 0-1 (0-0)

Steffen Separator December 18, 2016
Bad performance, good result – Bayern manage to beat Darmstadt thanks to a Costa goal that helps secure the league [...]