“The sporting value played second fiddle to the marketing value”

Maurice Separator August 6, 2019
Ten days, three cities, three matches, and a lot of sponsorship obligations. This, in a nutshell, was FC Bayern‘s tour [...]

One of those evenings: three takeaways from FC Bayern’s Super Cup defeat by Borussia Dortmund

Rick Separator August 4, 2019
For some, the 2019/20 season started this evening. For others, this was the latest in a long stream of preseason [...]

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Supercup Preview Pt. 2: The truth is on the pitch!

Justin Separator August 2, 2019
Borussia Dortmund. FC Bayern München. The Clas … okay, enough with that. But without a question, this has been THE [...]

Bayern loses “Finale Dahoam” on penalties

Justin Separator July 31, 2019
Prior to the Supercup against Borussia Dortmund on Sunday, Bayern conducted the dress rehearsal against the Spurs on Wednesday evening. [...]

6:1! Fener-bye-bye?

Maurice Separator July 30, 2019
Since 2009, the Audi Cup has been the highlight of the pre-season preparations every two years, with top international clubs [...]

Supercup-Preview Part 1: Borussia Dortmund – The Bundesliga’s Coming Champions?

Justin Separator July 30, 2019
In a few days time, Bayern will kick off their season with their first competitive match against Borussia Dortmund in [...]

MIASANROT Roundtable: Mailbag July 2019

Marc Separator July 29, 2019
Bayern are back! (well sort of) It was a relatively successful ICC tour and has been an extremely uneventful transfer [...]

Bayern welcomes New Zealand captain Ali Riley

Jolle Separator July 26, 2019
Following the transfer of Sarpreet Singh, FC Bayern announced the second signing from New Zealand for the upcoming season. 31-year-old [...]