Mission Statement 2019
Thank you for you never-ending support, without which this project would not be possible. However, we don’t want to get complacent. We know that stagnation is regression. The main focus of our new layout is you.
We want to produce high-quality content on an even more regular basis. But what does that mean? On the one hand we are working on improving our linguistics through the addition of a small review team. On the other hand we want to offer a certain added value. You can help us enhance our quality with notes and comments.
Starting out with translations of our German articles throughout the last few months we have added own segments such as the beloved Club Crawl or our monthly mailbag roundtable.
For our German site we have started a Patreon campaign. This new design for our website would not have been possible without this financial support. Your support and our growth go hand in hand.
Your FC Bayern Blog
Miasanrot is nothing without our readers. Your feedback, discussions and comments about FC Bayern and our articles are the backbone of this project.
While we have developed greatly on a content level, the design of the blog has not changed since 2015. This changes today.
Starting last year we have thought long and hard: Do we have to change? Which website elements are especially important? Which topics do we need to focus on? What has not worked out?
New design, more functionality
Read wherever you want: Especially the presentation on mobile devices has been dreadful and outdated. That is why we tackled this area first. You can now enjoy Miasanrot just as much on the way as you can on your home or work computer.
Comments, Comments, Comments: We enjoy every single one of your comments. That is why we have decided to change the look of the comment section, making it easier to navigate and read. At first glance you can see the top comment and then take a deep-dive into the discussion with one click.
More space for podcast: Many of our long-time readers still know our podcast, but many others do not know, that you can also listen to us. While we plan on reestablishing a regular podcast, the design will feature it more prominently for faster access.
At this point a big shoutout to Fabi, who did not only help us as a designer, but also truly understands Miasanrot and thereby came up with this fantastic new design.
The future
From here on out we want to provide our readers with a good alternative to “regular” sports journalism. However, we also want to distinguish us form it.
At first we are fans of FC Bayern. Nevertheless, we try to fulfill the journalistic claim of distance to the club, sophisticated reporting and correct linguistics. And yet, we aren’t journalists.
We are bloggers and fans and we try to discuss topics not covered by your everyday sports journalism.
As fans of the club we consider it our responsibility to praise, when we evaluate something positively, but also criticize, when it is due. We decide on our content and our topics. No-one else.
A big plus of our blog is our coverage of the women and youth teams. While this content has decreased a little in regularity lately, we are looking to ramp it up in the near future.
On our English site we are still looking out for even more original content, but at the same time want to give our English audience access to all our German pieces as well. This is why today we are reaching out to any author or translator with a journalistic background. Write us at kontakt@miasanrot.de and we will gladly get into talks.
We are excited for the next months and years together with you. Spread Miasanrot.com all over the globe and help us in further developing our project.
Your Miasanrot-Team