Miasanrot is looking for Authors

Marc Separator January 16, 2024

Therefore we are sending out a call for anyone who might be interested in becoming a contributor to Miasanrot as an author themselves.

As an author, you will be reporting on FC Bayern München. Your responsibilities will be to write game reports, analyses and commentaries. Thematically, we are generally focused on analyzing FC Bayern tactically and other important news and issues surrounding the club. We are also open to new perspectives and approaches that might fit in with the content of our blog.

Miasanrot however does not focus on what I would describe as the tabloid journalism side of football: In other words having the fastest news, spreading rumors, simply writing information that is spread by other Journalists and so on. That is not a criticism of anyone who is interested in publishing those types of articles, it’s just not what we do. We are more interested in people, who can tell us if a player that is rumored is a fit for Bayern and why. Analysis, opinions, comparisons with stats for example – that’s what we are looking for.

Who we are looking for:

Author(s) with a focus on match reports, analyses and commentaries on FC Bayern.


  • Enthusiasm for writing
  • The time to both watch the matches and to write comprehensive analyses on them.
  • The ability to write texts that are pointed, structured and accurate both linguistically and in terms of content.
  • A native or very good grasp of the English language.
  • The ability to work independently, develop ideas and implement them.
  • The ability to collaborate and take constructive criticism when and where necessary.
  • Creativity and fresh ideas.
  • A willingness to potentially contribute to live tweeting (I know it’s X now but I’m not sure what else to call this) on our account.

It is important to note that we currently have a very small team dedicated to the English side of Miasanrot…just me in fact. While I am hoping to bring in more than one or two people to contribute, you should nevertheless be prepared to contribute regularly, though obviously not every match. The more people we are able to bring in, the less onus there will be on everyone’s time.

What we offer you:

  • An established German platform with an already established English base that we are hoping to grow.
  • An outlet for you to write and express your opinions on FC Bayern.
  • An open and motivated team with which you can exchange ideas on all topics around FC Bayern and beyond.
  • The ability to introduce new concepts or ideas to implement at the blog.
  • The opportunity to gain experience in the field of online journalism and to profit from people who have already been in that business for years.

Unfortunately, we cannot offer any payment for your time or articles. We do not have a large enough following or income to do so. Therefore authors should not expect any kind of remuneration and solely be interested for the love of FC Bayern, writing and/or the experience.

If you are interested and would like to be a part of the team, please send us a sample article about a topic of your choice and a few words about yourself to kontakt@miasanrot.de.

Even if you’re unsure, please take the chance and reach out! We are serious about adding more voices to our blog and would love to see the site grow. The only way for that to happen is adding more authors. We do not expect that anyone applying will be a professional writer from the start. However we can help to develop those skills and hopefully get you there one day. If you have any other questions for us, please feel free to contact us on our social media channels or by the email listed above.

Some considerations/inspiration for your submission:

  • Why do you want to join us?
  • How can you improve Miasanrot?
  • Why does your chosen topic fit the blog?
  • What do you expect from working with us?
  • How much time can you commit?
  • Are there any personal goals that you want to achieve with Miasanrot?

We look forward to hearing from you!

»Eier, wir brauchen Eier!«

— Oliver Kahn

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