Bayern welcomes New Zealand captain Ali Riley

Jolle Separator July 26, 2019
Following the transfer of Sarpreet Singh, FC Bayern announced the second signing from New Zealand for the upcoming season. 31-year-old [...]

Player Of The Summer: Lineth Beerensteyn

Jolle Separator July 14, 2019
The Women’s World Cup in France has come to an end and a number of players have represented FC Bayern [...]

Half-season stats of the FC Bayern women’s team

Jolle Separator February 24, 2019
The second leg of the women’s season is well under way – how did they do in the first half [...]

Bayern Women’s Season: A Digest In Numbers

Jolle Separator July 27, 2018
We’ve dug our way through the numbers for the last #AFBL season and will take a closer look at how [...]

Bayern-Women also beats up on Köln

Andi Separator March 25, 2018
The women were able to take the momentum from the cup game into the league and defeated 1.FC Köln away [...]

Women: Blowout Cup win in Saarbrücken

Andi Separator March 19, 2018
After the clear 0:15 away win against 1 FC Saarbrücken, the Bayern women only need one more match to make [...]

Stats & Links: FC Bayern, a member of the rich kids club

Dennis Separator February 9, 2018
Dominating the league, in an attempt not to lose touch with the European elite. FC Bayern’s (financial) situation can perhaps [...]

Round-Up: The FCBHackDays

Dennis Separator February 2, 2018
FC Bayern is on their way to the future and organized their first hackathon. In a guest contribution Andreas Dotzler [...]