Squad considerations at FC Bayern: What about the 2021 expirees?

Justin Separator April 2, 2020
The novel coronavirus has brought all sport to a halt, but the expiration date of players’ contracts shows itself unimpressed. [...]

Throw-In: The greatest pastime in the world

Katrin Separator March 23, 2020
When I was still living in Indonesia, my friends knew that on a Saturday night, they didn’t need to bother [...]

Bundesliga in times of coronavirus: ask us anything

Alexander Separator March 14, 2020
As you will have noticed, the DFL have followed the example set by Europe’s other “big five” leagues and shut [...]

Mailbag Roundtable: March 2020

Dennis Separator March 12, 2020
The last couple of weeks have been very good for Bayern, if one focuses on what happened on the pitch. [...]

Player of the Month – February

Georg Separator March 11, 2020
February 2020 was a successful 120 year anniversary month for FC Bayern. In seven games Flick’s team came out the [...]

The novel coronavirus: Matches behind closed doors would be the right measure now

Justin Separator March 10, 2020
FC Bayern may be threatened with playing their next Bundesliga games behind closed doors in the coming weeks because of [...]

Exhausted Bayern win on anniversary

Daniel Separator March 10, 2020
20 decent minutes in the 2nd half are enough for lackluster Bayern to defeat Augsburg 2:0 on Bayern’s 120th anniversary. [...]

Bundesliga MD 25 Preview: Bayern against Augsburg

Justin Separator March 7, 2020
A narrow victory, a draw, and another draw – these are the results of FC Bayern’s last three games against [...]