Fan-spiration: “Being a fan of FC Bayern means you are part of a family”

Katrin Separator August 12, 2020
Alberto Santos Baranda speaks about the ups and downs of supporting FC Bayern from far away. The World Cup final [...]

Champions League R16 Second Leg Preview: Bayern against Chelsea

Justin Separator August 8, 2020
After the impressive 0-3 away win in the first leg, Bayern’s progression to the quarter-finals of the Champions League appears [...]

FC Bayern’s Signature Signings Episode 3: 2001-2005

Maurice Separator August 6, 2020
Part 3 of our “signature signings” series covers the Bundesliga seasons from 2001 to 2005. Bayern’s longstanding principle to always [...]

Miasanrot Awards: Most improved player of the season 2019/20

Daniel Separator August 4, 2020
There was no shortage of candidates to choose from for our “most improved player of the season” award. Jérôme Boateng, [...]

A question of stability: Pavard’s injury strikes doubly hard

Justin Separator August 3, 2020
According to various media reports, the cruciate ligament injury Benjamin Pavard has sustained in training marks the infamous end to [...]

Summer Time – Reading Time

Georg Separator July 23, 2020
While the players enjoyed their short break before re-starting for the fourth time this season, media coverage did not pause. [...]

Last Week in Bayern News

Maurice Separator July 20, 2020
Summer holiday time has arrived in and around Bavaria. Who’s certainly not on holiday are the writers here at Miasanrot. [...]

A Big Year for Grünwalder Stadium

Natasha Separator July 19, 2020
The imposing Allianz Arena is where tens of thousands of us gather each match day – the huge structure becomes [...]