Author: Justin
Head of Impressum bei Miasanrot. Freier Journalist. Blogger, Podcaster, Autor. Taktik-, Team- und Spieler:innenanalysen sowie Spielberichte zählen zu meinen Kernkompetenzen. Mein Antrieb ist es, die komplexe Dimension des Spiels zu verstehen und meine Erkenntnisse möglichst verständlich weiterzugeben. Journalistisch. Analytisch. Fundiert.
Champions League R16 Second Leg Preview: Bayern against Chelsea
After the impressive 0-3 away win in the first leg, Bayern’s progression to the quarter-finals of the Champions League appears [...]
A question of stability: Pavard’s injury strikes doubly hard
According to various media reports, the cruciate ligament injury Benjamin Pavard has sustained in training marks the infamous end to [...]
DFB-Pokal Final Preview: Bayern against Leverkusen
The national season is finally drawing to a close. By long-standing tradition, the DFB-Pokal final is at the same time [...]
Bundesliga Matchday 34 Preview: Wolfsburg against Bayern
On Saturday, FC Bayern Munich will be handed the Meisterschale for the eighth consecutive time. The match against Wolfsburg is [...]
Bundesliga Matchday 31 Preview: Bayern against Gladbach
Will Bayern be able to seal the title this weekend already? Without Lewandowski and Müller, the side from Munich will [...]
DFB-Pokal Semi-final: Bayern against Frankfurt
On Wednesday evening FC Bayern Munich and Eintracht Frankfurt will meet for the second time after the coronavirus break. Will [...]
Bundesliga Matchday 30 Preview: Leverkusen against Bayern
The upcoming week will set the tone at FC Bayern for the rest of the season, beginning with Saturday’s match [...]
Bundesliga Matchday 29 Preview: Bayern against Düsseldorf
The eighth championship in a row is within reach. Bayern can all but seal the deal on Saturday evening in [...]