15 predictions for the FC Bayern 2019/20 season

Justin Separator August 16, 2019
Will Bayern win the title? Who will be in trouble toward the end of the season? What will happen in [...]

The myth of invisibility

Georg Separator July 26, 2019
The meaning of Thiago and Lewandowski for Bayern cannot be doubted. Yet especially after losses in the Champions League one [...]

Miasanrot Awards: Player of the Season 2018/19

Justin Separator June 10, 2019
In recent years we have often presented the Miasanrot Awards as a Christmas treat. After some suggestions and internal discussions [...]

Column: My Five Cents

Maurice Separator May 15, 2019
In today’s edition of my new column, My Five Cents, it’s not just about Franck Ribéry’s iconic moments and Niko [...]

The five stages of elimination

Maurice Separator March 16, 2019
Eleven goals in the last two league games and the first place in the league brought back to the Isar [...]

Kovač and the search for balance

Tobias Separator March 15, 2019
The game had only been over for a few minutes on Wednesday, when players like Hummels, Lewandowski and Neuer reacted [...]

Dismal, depressing, dispiriting. Three bleak takeaways from FC Bayern v Liverpool

Rick Separator March 14, 2019
Before this match, there was a mix of hope and expectation in Munich. Breathless anticipation. After a dire ninety minutes [...]

Preview: FC Bayern – Liverpool FC Roundtable

Marc Separator March 10, 2019
Prior to the biggest match of the season so far, we are answering some of the most common questions regarding [...]