MSR Round Table: Chelsea Edition

Marc Separator February 24, 2020
Ahead of the biggest European night so far this season, we pulled in Michael, who has watched his fair share [...]

Champions League RO16 first leg Preview: Chelsea against Bayern

Justin Separator February 24, 2020
There is a lot at stake for both Chelsea FC and FC Bayern on Tuesday evening. Both sides will find [...]

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No party against Paderborn! Bayern gets a scrappy 3:2 win

Daniel Separator February 23, 2020
Bayern did their homework on Friday making sure their pursuers could not come any closer this matchday. With this last [...]

“Having a successful women’s team would suit Bayern very well”

Maurice Separator February 22, 2020
One week after the Women’s Bundesliga’s opening game of the second half of the season we talk to Sven from [...]

Bundesliga MD 23 Preview: Bayern against Paderborn

Justin Separator February 21, 2020
Chelsea in mind, Paderborn ahead. Everything points to a final call of duty before the so eminently important challenge in [...]

Player of the winter: Thiago

Georg Separator February 20, 2020
Winter is leaving, for now. High time for us to select our Miasanrot player of the month – or season, [...]

Manuel Neuer: “We played Pep football”

Justin Separator February 19, 2020
The performance in the first half against Cologne reminded Manuel Neuer of the attractive and successful football Bayern played under [...]

Bayern “Two Face” defeats Cologne 4-1

Justin Separator February 18, 2020
Borussia Dortmund, RB Leipzig and Gladbach had collectively upped the ante with their performances on Friday and Saturday. They all [...]