Image: Maja Hitij / Bongarts / Getty Images

MSR-EN027 Frankfurt, Madrid, Koeln

fussballsusie Separator May 8, 2018

After segueing massively off-topic — as this podcast is wont to do — the pair bring it back in to talk about what this match might mean for Kovac going in to the DFB Pokal final, and if there will be any lingering misgivings over the result.

In the second segment, Susie is joined by an English language commentating legend — Phil Bonney. Before the loss to Real Madrid is discussed, as well as the victory at relegated Koeln, Susie gets the rare opportunity to chat with Phil about his career in broadcasting — when did he start, how did it all come about, and most importantly? What was his favourite match he ever got a chance to call.

Moving on to Bayern’s dump out of the Champions League at the hands of old foes, Madrid, Phil and Susie discuss how much criticism can be leveled at the players. Is VAR warranted in Champions League competition? And do most Bayern fans have it better than they think?

Phil is based out of Koeln, so he provides a sort of overview of the season and the team’s slide in to relegation, but the pair would be shocked if the Billy Goats didn’t come right back up in 2019.

There are plenty of bits of history, a stellar look at what it is like to do Mr. Bonney’s job, and one or two errors might be mentioned (only compounded by making another error during the podcast. Haha.)

It’s a long one, folks. But with a character as interesting as Phil, Susie was reluctant to let him off the line. Thank you, as always, for listening! Mia san mia. Mia san Rot

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