Author: Lukas
Statistikguru bei MiaSanRot. Versorgt die Kreativen mit Zahlen und Fakten. Denkt bei 4-3-3 zunächst an -2. Seit jeher Fan des FC Bayern.
Miasanrot stats corner – analyzing FC Bayern’s transfer window
The transfer window will remain open for almost a month yet. Nevertheless, FC Bayern have already signed a large number [...]
MSR awards season 20/21: Stats Corner Part 2
After highlighting a number of team-level statistics in the first part of the 2020/21 stats corner series, we would now [...]
MSR awards season 20/21: Stats Corner – Part 1
What better way to review a season that has just ended than to take a look at the statistics. In [...]
How much are FC Bayern depending on Robert Lewandowski?
The fact that Robert Lewandowski is in outstanding form this season will probably not be breaking news for anyone. The [...]
Onward, ever onward – or the revolution at last?
“Revolution at FC Bayern” – a lot has been written about the revolution of the Bayern squad. But what exactly [...]